Message from CEO
森本蘭は、日本で10年ファッションモデルとしての経験があり2013年モデル復帰。日本でモデル事務所、編集者、キャスティング会社などの方に会う機会を得て、「今の日本のメディア業界は、ハワイ特集など多く取り上げているが、日本からモデルをハワイに連れて行く経費が少ない。現地モデルやエキストラなどを選ぶのに苦労している。幅広い年齢層のモデルが多数所属している事務所があると良いのだが…」と言う現状と、ご意見を多数伺いました。そこで、モデルとしての経験と今まで日本でお世話になったメディアの方々のご要望に応え、ハワイの人にもっと輝いて欲しいという希望がすべて叶う会社、2014年6月Lan Enterprises, LLCを設立。モデル部門として9月Lino Model Agency登録という運びになりました。
モデル、エキストラの登録者 現在100名。
Lino Model Agencyの中には現役プロで活躍しているミュージシャン、MC、サーファー、栄養士、不動産、琉球舞踊の師範、ヒーラー、フラダンサー、ミュージカル、などさまざまな才能を持ったモデル、タレントがいます。
Lino Model Agency どうぞよろしくお願い申し上げます。
Lino Model Agency

Founder and owner, Ran Morimoto has over 10 years of experience as a fashion model, her notable works include 1989 Unitika Swimwear Campaign Model, 1990 Sumitomo Corporation International Calendar, and over 6 years in Japan’s premier fashion magazine CanCam. She has also appeared regularly in various television shows such as “Waratte Iitomo” and “TBS Golf” as well as other media such as catalogs, commercials and fashion shows. Ran was discovered by a scout at the age of 18 and spent her first 6 years at Now Fashion Agency then at Oscar Promotion. She moved to New York in 1996 where she modeled for a year, then moved to Hawaii in 2005 where she currently resides.
She returned to modeling in 2013. Since returning to the industry, she has come in contact with many fashion agencies and television/magazine editors as well as casting agencies in Japan that have voiced high demand for all things Hawaii. With Japan’s affinity for Hawaii, there is constant demand for local models and extras of all ages. Lan Enterprises LLC was established in June of 2014 to cater to this niche market. In September, Lino Model Agency was established, named after the word bright and shiny in Hawaiian.
Registered models and extras 100 (As of January 2024).
Lino Model Agency currently lists models with many professional backgrounds and talents including musicians, surfers, MC’s, dieticians, real estate agents, Japanese Ryukyu dance instructor, hula dancers, stage performers to name a few.
Lino Model Agency