5月28日(土)の撮影会の時間変更午後3時からになりました。The photo shoot will start at 3 pm on Saturday,May 28th.
Saturday,May 28th from 3:00pm to 4:00pm in Ward area.
The location will be set up at the park next to the Ko’olani
(1177 Queen St, Honolulu, HI 96814 )
Please attend if you are interested. Children,teens and adults, please come in the wardrobe of your choice. White shirt.Registration fee and headshot photography will be free of charge. The photos will be taken by a professional photographer.
The photography will be shown on this website, and then distributed to other talent agencies in Japan and Hawaii.
Those of you who are not aspiring models but would like to make some extra money, or know friends who might be interested, please invite them as well.
We look forward to hearing from you if you are interested. Please contact us directly, we will send necessary forms to you individually.
E-mail : info@linomodelagency.com
TJ MAX裏のプレーグラウンドの芝生のところで行います。
Ko’olaniというコンドミニアムの隣(1177 Queen St, Honolulu, HI 96814)になります。
E-mail : info@linomodelagency.com